Himalayan Management and Development Resource Institute (HiMADRI) is a Not-for-Profit Trust registered in 2007 under Indian Trust Act – 1882 and is exempted u/s 12AA and 80G of Income Tax Act 1961. HiMADRI is a team of highly qualified academicians, researchers, industry professionals and social workers with global exposure. In pursuit of its objectives along with its other activities and programmes HiMADRI publishes a Peer Reviewed International Multidisciplinary Research Journal – PRAGYANA on half-yearly basis. It makes an attempt to serve the education world by promoting and showcasing the high quality research publications of researchers, scholars and professionals.
Himalayan Management and Development Resource Institute (HiMADRI) is an aspiring publisher of journals, books, conference proceedings monographs, theses etc. and other resources in the print and electronic mode with high credentials. Our future publications include research based scientific, scholarly, professional, technical, literary and educational content in the form. Our valuable contributing authors are the source of our inspiration and the foundation of our activities. We promise to support and promote the budding authors and researchers with a long-term relationship.